In Beginning

 In [the] Beginning
      "At first God created...."
            "In the beginning God created...."
             "When God began to create...." 

       From Pgs. 35, 41  in "12 Hours in Heaven"

He would select a planet out among the stars and at His spoken command, the planet would move to this orbit at a speed like we see a bolt of lightning.   The Lord gave the command, “Let there be light”.   The earth moved with a speed as we see a bolt of lightning, from where it was out in the galaxy, to this orbit.  God is not limited to the speed of light.   It’s surface was red hot as it entered it’s orbit around the sun.  
Let there be light..... and the earth quickly obeyed Him and came quickly to this place, the circuit of this earth, which is a supernatural line God callled for when he started making worlds- Isaiah 40:22 [He sits enthroned above this circle] Job 22:14
Bringing the earth to this solar system, 
replacing with a new one every 15,000 years

 God is in command as KING OF THE UNIVERSE when He says the words "Let there be light" in Psa.147:15 :
He gives a command to the earth, and it quickly obeys him -Psa.147:15Expanded Bible
.....travels with great speed -Psa.147:15 / God's Word Translation

If you read Hebrews chapter 1, you will find that Jesus is the "Amen" of Isa. 65:16 and He is called the Originator of God's Creation.  Jesus is literally, THE "In the BEGINNING God Created" OF THE CREATION OF GOD.  God called for a line around our Sun and began making worlds through Jesus     a long long long long long long long long long long time ago.

The Lord is God. He made the skies and the earth. HE PUT THE EARTH IN ITS PLACE. He did not want the earth to be empty when he made it. He created it to be lived on. “I am the Lord. There is no other God.  ERV
The Lord created the heavens. He is God. He FORMED the earth and made it. HE SET IT FIRMLY IN PLACE. He didn’t create it to be empty. Instead, he FORMED it for people to live on. He says, “I am the Lord. There is no other Lord. NIRV
For this is what the Lord says— he who created the heavens, he is God; he who FASHIONED and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but FORMED it to be inhabited— he says: “I am the Lord, and there is no other. NIV
For thus says the Lord, The creator of the heavens, who is God, The DESIGNER and maker of the earth who established it, Not as an empty waste did he create it, but DESIGNING it to be lived in: I am the Lord, and there is no other.  NABRE
This is what the Lord Who made the heavens, the God Who PLANNED and made the earth, and everything in it and did not make it a waste place, but made it a place for people to live in, says, “I am the Lord, and there is no other. NLV

ISAIAH 45:18


The word Genesis from the Greek means beginning, origin or START. The book Genesis is a simple narrative story of the beginning of (1) our Universe, (2) our World (3) mankind and (4) the family of Abraham, all of which was written by Moses in Hebrew who lived after the flood (c.1650) some 3800 years ago. While being a historical record, it very quickly narrows on the Land of Palestine or Israel and the lineage of Abraham. This comes to a SPIRITUAL lineage officially as per Gal. 3:26 (children of God), and Gal. 3:29 (seed of Abraham) through Jesus Christ the HEIR according to the promise of God. Anyone in Christ, is a co-heir, equal, joint, etc. with anyone else in Messiah (Eph. 3:6). They are the sons of the freewoman (Gal.4:24-31) and that is the woman depicted in Rev. 12:1 with her firstborn, the 144,000 (manchild). This is a new genealogy (Heb. 7:3) [the Lamb's book of Life] which is a new creation (1 Cor.15:21;23;38) which is the new covenant from him who makes all things new (Rev.21:5). And the 144,000 ARE the firstfruits (Rev.14:4), the first fully redeemed (Rom. 8:17,19,22,23,29) which IS the manifestation of the sons of God.  Is the book of Revelation totally part of the new covenant?  Yes, it is indeed the last book of the new testament, and is a revelation of the FUTURE messianic kingdom.  With all that aside......

"At first God created...."  

"In the beginning God created...."

 "When God began to create...." 

      ALL THREE of the above quotations of Gen. 1:1 are correct (top of page). In essence it is saying 'At first God created time and space' since God has no beginning, and without him nothing was made that was made (John 1:3).  But his creating had a definite STARTING point (Prov. 8:22) a LONG TIME AGO as did his reigning as king over what he created. This kingly reigning statement in Hebrew means just like "In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim" from Jer. 26:1, 27:1, 28:1, Gen. 10:10 etc. God began reigning as King over the Universe when he began creating it, which was from eternity.  From the days of eternity, wherein God dwells, He creates the physical and temporal Universe, i.e., time and space.  The footnote on Gen. 1:1 from Onkelos:

  Jewish commentary by two rabbis on Gen. 1:1 The Targum of Onkelos.  In the first times³ the Lord created the heavens and the earth.  This expression  "In the first times" should be translated as "At First"  -Onkelos on the Torah (Aramaic translation of Torah, believed to have been done around 400 AD.  Since it uses tannaitic midrashim redacted about 400 CE, they posit that the work could not have come from an earlier date.)


Gen. 2:4 says in plural, "these are the generations of the heavens and of the earth" which is a synonym of genealogies (Septuagint / Thomson /1808) and means essentially, bringing forth to birth or begetting like in Psa. 90:2.  The similar diction and vocabular style of a genealogical reign of a king in Hebrew is in sync with just the phrase "in the beginning" and this is becoming increasingly apparent.  


What appears to be a repeat statement of Gen. 1:1 "God created the heavens and the earth" in Gen. 2:1 "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished," not that way at all.  [The Gen. 2:1 heavens and earth is best exemplified in Heb. 1:10-12].  The 2nd time it is referring only to this one World (the sky and the earth) and not the Universe      ........apart from the reinstating of the laws of the Universe and their effect on the new earth in Gen. 1:14-19 and bringing the moon in to orbit it on the 4000th year Day, or 4th Day of the Lord  (See bottom of page for illustration).  

The heavens and the earth in Gen. 1:1 means the totality of everything and is best translated as 'Universe.'  Or Cosmos. Or Space and Matter. The second use of this phrase "heavens and the earth" would now focus on the (sky) atmosphere and the earth, which was finished.  It is finished in the sense of being made into a habitable world.  Was not the dead wasteland planet-earth part of that Universe that God created initially?  Of course it was.  But it says in the Hebrew, "it was" or hath a state of emptiness or wasteland, void of life,  which was for a long, long, long, long, long, long, long time (millions of years). 


But here in Gen. 2:1 you have a completion or finishing (perfection) WHICH IS the framing of a WORLD as found in Heb. 11:3.  And it is referring to the finished atmospheric firmament expanse (heaven) and the landscape or fashion of this WORLD as found in 1 Cor. 7:31 and Prov. 8:31 making them habitable.  The other already finished WORLDS that preceded this one are included in the next phrase "and all the HOST of them;' and they all are arrayed in the heavenly eternal abode of God, which is the ultimate destination as found in Rev. 21:1ff. That host (or array) is the assembled-congregated mass or heavenly HOST of WORLDS that have been accumulated since "the beginning" or START of God's creating/reigning and in Isa. 14:13 is referred to as the "STARS of God" and THEY ARE the "WORLDS" of Heb. 11:3 and Heb. 1:2. They (the array or total number of them) are all in heaven orbiting that high mountain of God right now, all except for this present evil world (Gal. 1:4; 2 Cor. 4:4).
In the Hebrew the meaning of "finished" is be ideally complete, be complete, at an end, finished.  In the Greek the meaning of "framed" is to equip, strengthen, perfect, make complete, make it what it ought to beprepare, perfect, for his (its) full destination or use, bring into its proper condition (whether for the first time, or after a lapse), prepared to function (efficiently) in the immediate present.
ártios, "properly adjusted" – be in good working order, i.e. adjusted exactly to fully function.
For links and more info see Every 15,000 YearsMaking a Case for the KJ "WORLDS": WHAT IS "FRAMED" ?

This is from A Thousand Years is as a Day:     When it says "Let there be light,"  it's talking about the immediate present earth and nowhere else.  The totality of the Universe was already in existence as of verse 1.  But the earth did not always have our sun for a light source, because the earth came from somewhere else in the galaxy or Universe.  And for the light to be "good" it had to be conducive to life here, and not where it was. God had reserved here, the ideal place for orbit when he called for a supernatural invisible (nothing natural) line around our Sun, on which he hangeth this earth, and all the earths that preceded this one (The worlds in Heb. 11:3 that were all framed or completed-finished-perfected-made what they ought to be-made ideal, just like this one, in 6000 years: Gen. 2:1,2).  To see how ideal they were, read about this one before the flood in 12 Hours in Heaven.  It was PERFECT : 


satisfying one's conception of what is perfect; most suitable.

synonyms: perfect, best possible, consummate, supreme, excellent, flawless, faultless, exemplary, classic, model, ultimate, quintessential

💡Think of the framers of the Constitution and how it was "framed" by the framers.  Then you can see how the old English word applies to this passage in the KJ. 

So it becomes like Matthew's genealogy:  all of those WORLDS made between Gen. 1:1 & 1:2 are but of little importance in this narrative about the beginning and origin of OUR world.  And only slight mention of them exists in Heb. 1:2; 11:3; Isa. 14:13; Gen. 2:1 ("all the HOST of them").  And so it's like skipping A and jumping to ........??........anywhere from A-Z except in this case there is no Z.   The Everlasting Father will never stop begetting, creating and reigning (Eccl. 3:15). Jesus is the source of God's Creation, and God will do nothing without Him (Rev. 3:14).  See 3 and 14 below......


      The ever present problems inherent in the book of Genesis having to do with chronology are symptomatic of the rest of the Bible.   Many do not realize that exact chronology and Hebrew chronology are two different things.  Let me illustrate. 

       In the genealogy of Jesus found in Matthew,  there are at least three whole generations that are omitted which are found over in the book of Chronicles (Three consecutive kings of Judah are omitted from the genealogy: Ahaziah, Jehoash, and Amaziah).  What this means is that the Hebrew writers were working within a certain numerical framework of 42 generations divided into 3 groups of 14 generations each.  They compressed it because numbers have significance in the Bible.   This is also known as Gematria.   And it is perfectly legitimate for them to say A begat Z and leave the rest out because they are unimportant, inconsequential as far as what they were wanting to accomplish or the point they were trying to make.  Beyond that, there are more number implications in this Matthew genealogy in the article Why 14,000 Years @ Gematria.

Yhi ôr wayhi ôr

        Seeming problems such as light existing on the first day in Gen. 1:3 and then the sun, moon & stars being "made" over in vs. 14 on the fourth day, are not problems at all when you know that the word ohr ( the Hebrew is Yhi ôr wayhi ôr)  or "light" here is devoid of a light source or location and just means "luminescence" in vs. 3.  Nowhere does it say that the sun, moon & stars were created on the fourth day.   The word "made" is 'asah and does not mean to "create" out of nothing,  which is bara.  Psalm 148:3-5 refers to their "creation" but it is understood that light and the sun, moon & stars were created and already in existence in vs. 1 when God created the cosmos.   Gen. 1:1
Let there be light .......
The Latin phrase fiat lux, from the Latin Vulgate Bible, is typically translated as "let there be light" when relating to Genesis 1:3 (Hebrew: "יְהִי אוֹר"). The full phrase is "dixitque Deus fiat lux et facta est lux" ("And said God let there be light, and there was light"), from the Greek "καὶ εἶπεν ὁ Θεός γενηθήτω φῶς καὶ ἐγένετο φῶς" (kai eipen ho Theos genēthētō phōs kai egeneto phōs), from the Hebrew "וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים, יְהִי אוֹר; וַיְהִי אוֹר" (vayo'mer 'Elohim, yehi 'or vayehi 'or).
Since fiat lux would be literally translated as "let light be made" (fiat is from fieri, the passive form of the verb facere, "to make" or "to do"), an alternative Latinization of the original Greek and Hebrew, lux sit ("light – let it exist" or "let light exist") has been used occasionally.  That is to say, that LET THERE BE LIGHT, or LET LIGHT APPEAR on the Earth means that formerly the planet was not here in this solar system and was elsewhere in the Universe, in darkness or insufficient light, wherever that happened to be.   The phrase "the Earth was without form...." (past tense) literal Heb. "hath existed...." means since the beginning of the cosmos the Earth was in that condition up until the recent time when God brought the Earth here, about 13,000 years ago.  

Note:   The phrase "Let there be...." is used of God acting like a King does,  when he orders or commands something to be done or happen or allows it to exist.  All of this goes along with the idea of "In the beginning of Elohim the King when He began reigning over His created Universe." This vs. 3 is not saying that God created light or luminescence for the first time ever..... because it was already in existence in vs. 1 when he created the heavens or cosmos  (He is called the "Father of lights" in James 1:17).   It simply shows that light did not exist on the planet in a way that was good or conducive to life,  at the moment before the earth was brought here to this solar system which happens in vs. 3.   "Let there be" is very similar to "calleth for" in Amos 5:8; 9:6.   They are creative fiats or commands.  Come on the scene is very much the way it was.  Let there be has the connotation of "allow something to happen," or "be made possible."
The second verse is actually the condition of planet earth before & after it is brought to our solar system.  Notice in YLT that it says "the earth hath existed waste and void."  The "waters" in vs. 2 being the water in Paradise or above the heavens in Psa. 148:4  (waters above the firmament in Genesis).   The third statement in vs. 2 is an overlapping one;  the water being brought down onto Earth from the river of God, which is full of water (Psa.65:9) once the Earth is in place here so that it can be cooled down from it's RED-HOT quick journey across the galaxy, to where it now begins to orbit beneath the Mountain of God (Ezek.28:14)  where He moves in the circuit of heaven (Job 22:14) and then continues to sit enthroned hovering above the circuit of each World that he makes every 15,000 years (Isa.40:22; Heb.1:2; Heb.11:3; John 1:10; Isa.66:1).

Ex nihilo is a Latin phrase meaning "out of nothing". It often appears in conjunction with the concept of creation, as in creatio ex nihilo, meaning "creation out of nothing"—chiefly in philosophical or theological contexts, but also occurs in other fields.
In theology, the common phrase creatio ex nihilo ("creation out of nothing"), contrasts with creatio ex materia (creation out of some pre-existent, eternal matter) and with creatio ex deo (creation out of the being of God).

                                  At first God created the totality of the universe
              (Explaining why others such as ISV arrive at this being the best translation
            into English of the Hebrew in Gen.1:1)

Genesis 1:1 is the first verse of the first chapter in the Book of Genesis, and the opening of the Genesis creation narrative. In Hebrew script it reads: בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֵת הָאָֽרֶץ (English transliteration: Bereisheet bara Elohim et hashamayim ve'et ha'aretz).  It can be translated into English in at least three ways:
·         As a statement that the cosmos had an absolute beginning   (In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth).       
·         As a statement describing the condition of the world when God began creating  (When in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was untamed and shapeless...).
·         Similar to the second, but taking the whole of verse 2 as background so that the main assertion is in verse 3  (When in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, the earth being untamed and shapeless, God said...).
By the 2nd century CE the first translation had become the dominant one, and was crucial in developing the concept that God created the universe out of nothing (creation ex nihilo).            
(Note:  the first one highlighted is the best when you take Heb.11:3 into account and also because it needs to be a complete statement as it is in the Hebrew.  To translate it as "When God began creating....."  leaves an uncomplete statement and causes one to connect verse 1 with 2 using a comma between them.   To begin a sentence with "And" is a perfectly normal thing to do in Hebrew and you will notice this throughout the Biblical text)


In the beginning [of]...
The first word is b'reishit, or Bereishit ( בְּרֵאשִׁית ). Its elements are:
·         be- ("at / in")
·         -reish / rosh- (ראש, "head")            (note:  or "first") 
·         -it ית, a grammatical marker implying "of".
The definite article (i.e., the Hebrew equivalent of "the") is missing, but implied. The complete word literally means "at [the] head [of]", or more colloquially, "in [the] beginning [of]".  The same construction is found elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible, usually dealing with the beginning of a reign of a king.  So the words used are in the context of 'a beginning of some activity' such as a king's reign, but not in the sense of an ultimate beginning (there was no beginning with God).  Proverbs 8:22-23 bears this out.  God is king of the Universe.

Note:  The real meaning of the phrase in beginning is, and in Hebrew today it means "first of all".   Look at the same phrase in John 1:1 in the Greek, noting that it is also missing the definite article "the" and some modern translations say "at first".  [God is beginning to reign as King of the Universe, when he created it].  Again,  this is perhaps the best translation of Gen. 1:1-   At first God created the totality of the universe.   And John 1:1 agrees-   At first was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.   It's understood that there was no beginning with God,  he always existed.  But time & space did not always exist.   Heb. 1:2 and Heb. 11:3 are using both expressions of Jesus,  the Son and the Word,  in relation to this same origin of time and space, hence the cosmos (material universe), and more particularly, the inhabited worlds made before this one.   Note the stark difference in the two Greek words for "WORLD" behind John 1:10,  and these in Heb. 1:2 and 11:3 which are plural.


et hashamayim ve'et ha'aretz
... the heavens and the earth...
Et ( אֵת ) is a participle used in front of the direct object of a verb; in this case, it indicates that "the heavens and the earth" (a figure of speech meaning "everything") is what is being created. The word ha preceding shamayim (heavens) and aretz (earth) is the definite article, equivalent to the English word "the". Shamayim has the plural -im ending, indicating that the word is "heavens" rather than "heaven".  
The normal phrase in the Bible for the universe (Deuteronomy 32:1Psalm 148:13) -Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers.       


[he] created/creating...
The second word is the Hebrew verb bara (ברא). It is in the masculine form, so that "he" is implied. (English verbs do not distinguish between he, she, and it.)
A peculiarity of this verb is that it is always used with God as its subject, meaning that only God can "bara";  it is the characteristic verb for God's creative activity in Genesis 1. "Bara" is also used in Genesis 2 verses 3 and 4. Many conservative Biblical scholars believe that "bara" in this verse means "to create ex nihilo", but other scholars, such as Walton, argue that the meaning of "bara" is not "create" in the modern sense, but to differentiate/separate and to allocate roles - e.g., in the creation of Adam and Eve, God allocates gender roles to "male and female.       

Note:   The scholars are confusing the two terms 'asah and bara.  Bara is only used of God creating out of nothing.  Man never baras anything.  'Asah is used both of God and man "making" things out of pre-existent material.  We were made in the image of God and thus are makers or creators in that sense and that sense alone.

עָשָׂה   do, make    -Brown, Driver, Briggs Hebrew lexicon
accomplish, advance, appoint, apt, be at, become, bear, bestow,  A primitive root; to do or make, in the broadest sense and widest application (as follows) -- accomplish, advance, appoint, apt, be at,become, bear, bestow, bring forth, bruise, be busy, X certainly, have the charge of, commit, deal (with), deck, + displease, do, (ready) dress(-ed), (put in) execute(-ion), exercise, fashion, + feast, (fight-)ing man, + finish, fit, fly, follow, fulfill, furnish, gather, get, go about, govern, grant, great, + hinder, hold ((a feast)), X indeed, + be industrious, + journey, keep, labour, maintain, make, be meet, observe, be occupied, offer, + officer, pare, bring (come) to pass, perform, pracise, prepare, procure, provide, put, requite, X sacrifice, serve, set, shew, X sin, spend, X surely, take, X thoroughly, trim, X very, + vex, be (warr-)ior, work(-man), yield, use.    -Strongs Exhaustive Concordance

The same three terms (bara, yaẓar, 'asah) being used by the prophet for Israel's creation (Isa. 43: 7) as for that of man in Genesis: 
"Euen euery one that is called by my Name: for I haue created him for my glory, I haue formed him, yea I haue made him".
They were not necessarily all done at the same time.


Note:  All the places where you find the sun, moon & stars talked about in the Bible,  and their relationship to the earth,  this word 'asah defined above is usually at the forefront or some other word,  showing how they are now having a new "role" or assigned task to perform, being appointed to GOVERN over the earth in the natural laws of the universe.   Some important examples found in my book under FOURTH THOUSAND YEARS on page 112 are Gen. 1:14-18Job 38:31-33; Psa. 74:16; Psa. 8:3; Psa. 136:7-9; Prov.8:27; Psa.104:19Jer.31:35.          

Notice the past tense of the Hebrew in Gen. 1:15 (and they have been; and that is how it was) and notice the interchangableness of rule with govern and appoint and made, etc. in those 4 places marked in red above-- please click on them to see what I am talking about.  This all has to do with the word 'ASAH and it's co-relatives and cannot be overemphasized here. 

The laws of the Universe mentioned in Job 38:33 where the Sun, Moon & Stars rule or govern over the Earth have been in effect since God created the cosmos in Gen.1:1. Howbeit that there is any change wrought in Gen.1:14-18, unless of course, there is a new World being brought here to this solar system every 15,000 years, and God is reinstating how the Sun, Moon & Stars influence affect the Earth......?